7th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation Developments and Applications

Lisbon, Portugal, 10-11 April 2025

Young researchers may apply to the Young Researcher Award offered by Wolfram Research. Wolfram Research will distinguish two relevant works.

To this application, it is required to send an application letter (max. a A4 page) exposing the reasons why the work worths to be distinguished. This application should be sent via email, until the 24th March 2025.

All researchers can apply if they have up to 40 years of age in 31/12/2024, or if they have obtained a PhD for less than 10 years in 31/12/2024.     

Guidelines to observe on applying to this Award will be available soon.

The Jury will be chaired by Professor Carlos A. Mota Soares, Emeritus Full Professor of the University of Lisbon. The other members of the jury are the Jubilated Full Professor Joaquim Infante Barbosa (IPL), and …